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SWEET Project final Stakeholder Event


Leaders of the EU SWEET Project Consortium warmly invite stakeholders from across the food system to join SWEET experts to hear about evidence around sweeteners and sweetness enhancers (S&SEs) in the context of public health and safety, obesity, and sustainability at the final SWEET Project event.

SUSFANS Final Conference


The research project SUSFANS addresses ‘Metrics, Models and Foresight for European Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security’. Funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, SUSFANS involves 16 organisations for delivering and disseminating research. SUSFANS’ overall objective is to build a conceptual framework, an evidence base and analytical tools for underpinning EU-wide food policies with respect to their impact on consumer diet and their implications for nutrition and public health in the EU, the environment, the competitiveness of the EU agri-food sectors, and global food and nutrition security.