Brussels, Belgium
The research project SUSFANS addresses ‘Metrics, Models and Foresight for European Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security’. Funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, SUSFANS involves 16 organisations for delivering and disseminating research. SUSFANS’ overall objective is to build a conceptual framework, an evidence base and analytical tools for underpinning EU-wide food policies with respect to their impact on consumer diet and their implications for nutrition and public health in the EU, the environment, the competitiveness of the EU agri-food sectors, and global food and nutrition security.
SUSFANS Stakeholder Core Group
An important part of the SUSFANS project is to collect input from stakeholders involved in food systems at all levels. Therefore, a Stakeholder Core Group (SCG) which consists of 30 selected experts and decision makers representing a wide range of stakeholder communities and hence ‘worldviews’ (e.g. primary producers, food industry, retail, consumer groups, investors, regulators, policymakers and academics) was created. This SCG advised the SUSFANS consortium on key topics during 4 workshops (October 2015, October 2016, September 2017, June 2018).
• To assess how the SUSFANS project can further develop partnerships among various stakeholders;
• Report back on the analytical framework for a comprehensive assessment of food and nutrition security (FNS) in Europe, centred around the implications of the current diet for the sustainability of agro-food production and consumption in the EU and how it supports standardised monitoring of FNS in EU;
• Discuss the strengthened capacity of policymakers to formulate longer term policies on the basis of advanced quantitative tools.
Organising Committee
• Mr Thom Achterbosch, Wageningen University & Research (NL) – Chair
• Ms Khadija Nairi, Wageningen University & Research (NL)
• Prof. dr. ir. Pieter van 't Veer, Wageningen University & Research (NL)
• Mr Elias Rito, ILSI Europe (BE)
The programme is available here.
Registration will open soon to SUSFANS partners and invited stakeholders from academia, industry and the public sector.
Requests for attendance from interested scientists who have not received an invitation should be addressed to Mr Elias Rito, Scientific Project Manager, ILSI Europe, at
The registration covers:
• Admission to the conference;
• Conference booklet;
• Buffet lunch and refreshments during the conference on 7 March 2019.
Important: Due to a limited number of seats, registrations and hotel reservations will be available on a ‘first come first served’ basis.
Registrations and Hotel reservations should be made before 27 February 2019.
Upon completion of the online registration, each registrant receives an electronic confirmation of the registration and hotel reservation if a room booking was requested.
Venue and Accommodation
The event will be held at:
The Crowne Plaza Brussels – Le Palace
3 Rue Gineste
BE – 1210 Brussels
Tel : +32 2 203 62 00
The Crowne Plaza Brussels – Le Palace is a 4-star hotel ideally located at the Place Rogier in the centre of Brussels.
A number of standard guestrooms have been pre-booked at special rates in the Crowne Plaza Brussels – Le Palace.
Rate Single Room: €143.24/night
Rate Double Room: €158.24/night
Rates include buffet breakfast, free access to WiFi and to the fitness centre, €4.24 city tax and 6% VAT.
For more information on this event, please contact Mr Elias Rito, Scientific Project Manager ( - +32 2 775 91 21 .