
Design, develop and release a multistakeholder platform for the future European Food Safety System (FSS).

Horizon 2020 project
Total Budget: € 3,000,000

Consortium: 23 partners
Countries: 12
Duration: 1 January 2020 - 1 January 2024



The current EU food safety legal framework is based on evidence and risk analysis. However, it is not yet quickly adaptive to undertake issues arising from the food sector dynamics. Recent controversies have served to illustrate deficiencies in EU risk communication; situations where consumers often receive truncated or distorted information. In addition, the different food safety actors in Europe have no integrated platform to encourage a regular interaction and enable their concerted input in creating and maintaining a FSS for tomorrow.


  • synchronise food safety research strategies,
  • increase the availability of knowledge and data,
  • boost interactive cooperation within the system and with civil society and consumers;
  • enhance public confidence.

Expected Impact

FoodSafety4EU directly responds to these challenges:

  • Fostering coordination and integration among different food safety stakeholders;
  • promoting multi-level actions by applying a participatory process; and
  • making available knowledge, data and innovative tools to support evidence-based policies for the future and increase consumers’ trust in the Food Safety System.

Role of ILSI Europe

ILSI Europe support the dissemination of the project outputs through its involvement in two Work Packages (WP).

In WP6 (Platform co-design), ILSI Europe helps co-design the platform strategy and set up the business model for long term and multi stakeholder cooperation. We are also involved in the organisation of the first European Food Safety Forum (28-29 Nov 2023, Brussels).

As co-leader of WP7 (Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation), ILSI Europe helps coordinate the efforts of the consortium to establish a science-policy-society collaborative ecosystem and communicate with the public via the project website, social media campaigns, videos, etc. Experts from th eILSI Europe network were invited to participate to the #AskTheExpert campaign in which Food Safety experts address common questions raised by citizen in short videos and articles.

Read the project first press release here

For more detailed information, please contact Emilie Weynants at