Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2


Task Force Information

Objectives and list of Task Force

Contact Information

Contact details in case you have
specific questions

Activity Overview

Overview of ongoing and
upcoming activities

Expert Groups

Objectives, output and list of experts
involved in each activity


List of publications of this
Task Force


Links to Task Force's related documents,
recordings and much more...

Completed Expert Groups

Details including experts involved of
each activity

Task Force Information


Vitamin K2, a lesser-known but crucial nutrient, plays a vital role in bone and cardiovascular health, among other functions. Despite its significance, awareness and understanding of Vitamin K2 remain relatively low. The formation of this Task Force represents a significant step towards bridging this gap. Its primary objective is to critically review the scientific evidence supporting the various health benefits attributed to vitamin K2. Additionally, the Task Force aims to identify and evaluate potential biomarkers for monitoring vitamin K2 status, as well as conduct a comprehensive nutrition economic study to determine the potential healthcare cost savings for Europe associated with vitamin K2 supplementation.

Task Force Members

WP DataTables

*Scientific Advisor

Contact Information

For more detailed information, please contact Ruchi Shah at

Activity Overview

Ongoing Activities

- Expert Opinion on Vitamin K2 Research: Retrospective Insights and Perspective Pathways

The Expert Group is working on an opinion paper about the available evidence and recent science conducted on Vitamin K2. Their objective is to provide a perspective for future research in the field.

Start: Jun 2024 - End: Q3 2025

Upcoming Activities

- The Role of Menaquinone in Human Health: an Updated Scientific Assessment in Light of the Reported New Benefits

A second Expert Group will start working on a systematic review of the health benefits associated with Vitamik K2. The systematic review will concentrate on health outcomes where most research is available: cardiovascular diseases and bone health in connection with the benefits of Vitamin K2.

Start: Q2 2025 - End: Q3 2025

In the pipeline

- Nutrition Economic Study

The study will evaluate the potential economic benefits of incorporating Vitamin K2 into diets or supplementation regimens.

- Biomarkers

The review will provide guidance on markers for assessing Vitamin K2 status.

Expert Groups

Expert Opinion on Vitamin K2 Research: Retrospective Insights and Perspective Pathways

Background and Objectives

An Expert Group is currently developing an opinion paper that examines the existing evidence and recent scientific findings related to vitamin K2. Despite the recognized importance of Vitamin K2, there has been a noticeable decline in postnatal Vitamin K2 supplementation, which may be influenced by various factors, including public perception, dietary habits, and emerging clinical guidelines. Additionally, the differences between vitamins K1 and K2, particularly regarding their absorption, tissue distribution, and mechanisms of action, remain a subject of ongoing research


The paper aims to review observed trends in the reduction of postnatal vitamin K2 supplementation, with a focus on evaluating feedback regarding intake levels. Additionally, it seeks to compare the differences between vitamin K1 and vitamin K2, including their distinct mechanisms of action. The paper intends to provide a comprehensive overview of the implications of these findings for clinical practice and public health recommendations. The resulting publication will provide a perspective for future research in the field, and recommendations on guidelines to design future trials.

Expert Group Members

WP DataTables

The Role of Menaquinone in Human Health: an Updated Scientific Assessment in Light of the Reported New Benefits

Background and Objectives

Vitamin K, a fat-soluble vitamin, has gathered significant attention, particularly its isoform also known as menaquinone (vitamin K2). While its initial recognition was for its role in blood clotting, recent research has unveiled numerous other functions, such as enhancing bone health, cardiovascular health, brain health, and exhibiting anti-inflammatory properties. This Expert Group will perform a fair and unbaised scientific review of the potential health benefits associated with Vitamin K2, apart from its role in blood clotting. The activity will focus specifically on bone and cardiovascular health, for people of all ages.


The expected outcome is to provide an updated assessment of the health benefits of vitamin K2 for the scientific and industrial communities and the public at large.

Expert Group Members

WP DataTables



Coming soon...



Completed Expert Groups