EU Projects Overview

EU Projects Overview

European Union funded projects

ILSI Europe proactively joins multi-stakeholder consortia formed to address different calls under the European Union (EU) Research Framework Programmes and other funding organisations. Throughout 35 years, ILSI Europe has been involved in over 20 projects funded by the EU, either as consortium member, work package leader or coordinator, and even more by contributing to advisory and scientific boards.

Participating in EU-funded projects allows ILSI Europe to:

  • Contribute to cutting-edge scientific projects;
  • Expand its network of excellence and collaborate closely with universities, institutes, organisations and companies around Europe through strong consortia;
  • Liaise with governmental representatives from the European Commission, EFSA, WHO, FAO, US FDA, Health Canada, national authorities and more through the expert groups and workshops organised within the frame of these projects.

For more information about ILSI Europe’s participation in EU-funded projects or opportunities to join a consortium, please contact Dr Isabelle Guelinckx at

Current projects

Horizon 2020

  • FNS-Cloud: Integrating existing Food & Nutrition Security data, which is essential for high-end, pan-European FNS research, addressing FNS, diet, health, and consumer behaviours as well as the sustainable agriculture and the bio-economy.
  • FoodSafety4EU: Designing, developing and releasing a multi-stakeholder platform for the future European Food Safety System
  • SWEET: Sweeteners and Sweetness Enhancers: Impact on Health, Obesity, Safety and Sustainability

Horizon Europe

  • TITAN: Providing digital technologies that increase transparency throughout the food value chain to save money, resources, people and the planet

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).

  • ACRYRED: Reducing acrylamide exposure of consumers by a cereals supply-chain approach targeting asparagine

Advisory Boards

ILSI Europe is also part of the advisory boards of the following running projects:

  • SAFFI: Ensuring food safety of infant food
  • HOLiFOOD: developing new data and text analytical pipelines to optimise the emerging risk identification process
  • FoodPhyt: raising awareness and understanding of the potential of food phytochemicals to support the global fight against obesity and associated cardiometabolic diseases

Past Projects

Read more about our Past Projects.

ILSI Europe’s network through EU-funded projects

This map shows the number of scientists that we collaborate with through EU-funded projects. In total, EU projects expand our network to more than 800 scientists.