SWEET Project final Stakeholder Event

How sweet is this? Key findings from the EU SWEET Project
Brussels, Belgium
12:00 pm – 4:30 pm


SWEET, a European Commission Horizon 2020 funded project, is supported by a consortium of 29 pan-European research, consumer and industry partners, who will develop and review evidence on long term benefits and potential risks involved in switching over to sweeteners and sweetness enhancers (S&SEs) in the context of public health and safety, obesity, and sustainability.

The 5 year multidisciplinary project engages stakeholders from across the food chain — consumers, patients, health professionals, scientists, policy makers, and regulators — to address the role of sweeteners in weight control, and potentially move viable products to market. Stakeholders, including consumers, patients, health professionals, scientists, policy makers, and regulators will engage in the project.

Leaders of the EU SWEET Project Consortium warmly invite stakeholders from across the food system to join SWEET experts to hear about evidence around sweeteners and sweetness enhancers (S&SEs) in the context of public health and safety, obesity, and sustainability at the final SWEET Project event.

Info and registration

Date: 18 January
Time: 12.00 – 16.30
ILSI Europe Headquarters
Av. E. Mounier 83 / B.6. B-1200 Brussels

The formal session, which will present and discuss project findings, will be preceded by a light lunch and followed by a tasting of products sweeteners and sweeteness enhancers developped in the project.

More info on the detailed programme to come soon.