ILSI Europe hosts, sponsors, and co-organises a variety of scientific events. These include independent symposia, workshops, webinars, hands-on scientific trainings and sessions held as part of the program of larger scientific conferences or professional meetings.
Explore below our past events for recordings, agendas, copies of presentations, meeting summaries and other reports.
iFAAM WP10 Stakeholder Workshop on ‘Making May Contain Transparent’
13/12/2016 – 14/12/2016
Winchester, United Kingdom
The International Life Science Institute (ILSI) Europe and IAFP Webinar on ‘Mycotoxin Prevention and Control: Food Processing Mitigation Strategies’
Brussels, Belgium
The International Life Science Institute (ILSI) Europe and IAFP Webinar on ‘Mycotoxin Prevention and Control: Food Processing Mitigation Strategies’
6th International Symposium on Food Packaging: Scientific Developments Supporting Safety and Innovation
16/11/2016 – 18/11/2016
Barcelona, Spain
ILSI Europe was pleased to organise the 6th International Symposium on Food Packaging: Scientific Developments supporting Safety and Innovation. This event was supported by the Packaging Materials Task Force.
2nd SUSFANS Stakeholder Core Group Workshop
27/10/2016 – 28/10/2016
Brussels, Belgium
This second SCG Workshop introduced the latest scientific developments of the SUSFANS project. The updated Conceptual Framework, and the most recent progress on sustainability metrics selection and representation, were presented.
How Far Can We Control the Severity of Food Allergic Reactions by Controlling Exposure to Allergenic Foods?
15/09/2016 – 16/09/2016
Brussels, Belgium
The objective of this workshop was to understand the relationship between allergen dose and reaction severity, and to assess whether this relationship meets the conditions necessary to allow control of exposure to allergenic foods to limit the occurrence of severe reactions.
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