Past Events

Past Events

ILSI Europe hosts, sponsors, and co-organises a variety of scientific events. These include independent symposia, workshops, webinars, hands-on scientific trainings and sessions held as part of the program of larger scientific conferences or professional meetings.

Explore below our past events for recordings, agendas, copies of presentations, meeting summaries and other reports.


Webinar on ‘Assessment of Microbial Risk for Fresh Produce’

Brussels, Belgium

This webinar on the ‘Assessment of Microbial Risk for Fresh Produce’ on 17 October 2017, 17.00-18.00 CET, 10.00-11.00 CDT was organised jointly by ILSI Europe’s Microbiological Food Safety Task Force and IAFP’s Microbial Modelling and Risk Analysis Professional Development Group.

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3rd SUSFANS Stakeholder Core Group Workshop

Vienna, Austria

This 3rd SCG Workshop aims to introduce the latest scientific developments of the SUSFANS project and to receive feedback from the SCG in terms of their feasibility and implementability.

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ILSI Europe’s session at the IAFP Annual Meeting 2017

Tampa, Florida, US

Each year, the International Association for Food Protection hosts an Annual Meeting, providing attendees with information on current and emerging food safety issues, the latest science, innovative solutions to new and recurring problems, and the opportunity to network with thousands of food safety professionals from around the globe. Held in various locations throughout North America, this meeting has grown over the years to become the leading food safety conference worldwide.
ILSI Europe, via it’s Microbiological Food Safety Task Force, has been involved with IAFP’s European Symposium on Food Safety for years, this year also 2 sessions and 1 presentation were held on ILSI Europe’s work at the Annual Meeting in the US.

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