ILSI Europe hosts, sponsors, and co-organises a variety of scientific events. These include independent symposia, workshops, webinars, hands-on scientific trainings and sessions held as part of the program of larger scientific conferences or professional meetings.
Explore below our past events for recordings, agendas, copies of presentations, meeting summaries and other reports.
Workshop ‘The Role of Gut Derived Short Chain Fatty Acids in Human Health’
28/11/2018 – 29/11/2018
Brussels, Belgium
ILSI Europe’s Session on ‘The Role of Pre- and Probiotics in Health: the Potential, the Difficulties and the Caveats’ at 7th BMC 2018
26/11/2018 – 28/11/2018
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
ILSI Europe’s session on ‘The Role of Pre- and Probiotics in Health: the Potential, the Difficulties and the Caveats’ at the 7th Beneficial Microbes Conference Pre- and Probiotics for Lifelong Human and Animal Health (BMC) 2018, took place from the 26-28 November 2018 in the Hotel Casa Amsterdam in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
ILSI Europe @ Food Matters Live 2018
20/11/2018 – 22/11/2018
London, United Kingdom
ILSI Europe was present at Food Matters Live 2018, 20-22 November 2018, London, UK in Booth 794 in the Research Hub. Furthermore, we have showcased a host of international experts who introduced several key activities from ILSI Europe in Nutrition and Health.
Workshop ‘How Can Bioassays Help to Assess the Suitability & Applicability of TTC as a Prioritization Tool for Unidentified NIAS in FCMs’
08/11/2018 – 09/11/2018
Brussels, Belgium
There is an urgent need to better understand the actual safety significance of food contact materials (FCM) as a source of chemical exposure in humans. This workshop aimed to identify the potential to incorporate various bioassays with the TTC for the identification and safety assessment of FCM, specifically focus on their suitability to address NIAS safety.
Seminar on Process-Related Compounds and Natural Toxins
Parma, Italy
As consumers are often exposed to naturally occurring contaminants and process-related compounds in their diets, it is crucial to investigate how these compounds are formed in order to improve how we detect and measure them and to assess their safety. This seminar, organised by the ILSI Europe Process-Related Compounds Task Force (PRC TF) tackled subjects relating to such substances, particularly focusing on assessing their impact on human health.
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