Packaging Materials

Packaging Materials

Scientifically addressing the main challenges in the safety and quality of food contact materials

Task Force Information

Objectives and list of Task Force

Contact Information

Contact details in case you have specific questions

Activity Overview

Overview of ongoing and
upcoming activities

Expert Groups

Objectives, output and list of experts involved in each activity


List of publications of this
Task Force


Links to Task Force related documents, recordings and much more...

Completed Expert Groups

Details including experts involved of
each activity

Task Force Information


For more than 30 years, the Task Force has strived to understand the challenges to ensure safe food contact materials for food consumption by:

  • Evaluating food contact materials safety and their interactions with food to ensure consumers’ safety at minimal environmental impact.
  • Addressing recent improvements in food production and distribution, leading to an increased sophistication of food packaging.

Task Force Members

WP DataTables

* Scientific Advisors

Contact Information

For more detailed information, please contact Konrad Korzeniowski at

Activity Overview


- Harmonised Approaches for Risk Assessment and Management of Food Contact Materials and Articles

An Expert Group will review existing approaches for risk assessment and management of Food Contac Materials (IAS and NIAS) and identify similarities and differences between materials categories (e.g. plastics vs paper or metals) and geographic areas (e.g. EU, US, China, etc.) before recommending the most appropriate approaches to use, particularly for non harmonised food contact materials.

Start: Apr 2024 - End: Sep 2025


- 8th International Symposium on Food Packaging

Save the date for 1-4 April 2025!

ILSI Europe International Symposium on Food Packaging is held every four years. It is internationally recognised as a scientific forum to discuss and move forward the science that supports safety and innovation in the field, with minimal environmental impact. This conference of experts facilitates transfer of knowledge and brings innovative solutions to the most pressing issues in this field.

Registrations are now open! Programme is out!

In the pipeline

- Sustainable Packaging

More information to come soon!


Expert Groups

Harmonised Approaches for Risk Assessment and Management of Food Contact Materials and Articles

Background and Objectives

The Expert Group is reviewing existing approaches for risk assessment and management of Food Contact Materials (FDMs): intentionally added substances (IAS), non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) and Not Listed Substance (NLS). They will identify similarities and differences between materials categories and geographic areas (EU, US, China, etc.) before recommending the most appropriate approaches to use. They will consider the EU Chemicals Strategy and the ONE HEALTH approach as well as the role of science for regulatory purposes for management of Food Safety.


The resulting publication will complement other ILSI publications concerning FCMs, including Koster et al (2015), Nerin et al (2022) and Schilter et al. The outputs of these previous activities are used in the risk assessment of FCMs.

Expert Group Members

WP DataTables



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Completed Expert Groups