ILSI Europe hosts, sponsors, and co-organises a variety of scientific events. These include independent symposia, workshops, webinars, hands-on scientific trainings and sessions held as part of the program of larger scientific conferences or professional meetings.
Explore below our past events for recordings, agendas, copies of presentations, meeting summaries and other reports.
Past Events
DOHAD 2013, 8th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
17/11/2013 – 20/11/2013
Singapore, Singapore
34th Annual European Meeting of the Toxicology Forum
22/10/2013 – 24/10/2013
Brussels, Belgium
The Session on Exposure Assessment was organised by ILSI Europe on 23 October 2013
New Horizons in Chemical Risk Assessment – Re-shaping ILSI Europe’s Food Safety Programme
Brussels, Belgium
ILSI Europe organised a workshop entitled ‘New horizons in chemical risk assessment – Re-shaping ILSI Europe’s food safety programme’. The workshop took place on the 16th of October 2013 in Brussels, Belgium
IUNS 20th International Congress of Nutrition (ICN) 2013
15/09/2013 – 20/09/2013
Granada, Spain
ILSI Europe supported sessions, speakers, posters, an oral presentation, and a booth at this event.
Low-Grade Inflammation — A High-Grade Challenge. Biomarkers and Modulation by Dietary Strategies
Granada, Spain
This workshop was organised by the Obesity and Diabetes Task Force (formerly Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes)
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