The ILSI Europe Packaging Materials Task Force is seeking a Scientific Advisor who will ensure the scientific integrity of the Task Force and provide guidance on its long-term scientific work program. The Scientific Advisor will align the Task Force program with ILSI Europe's vision and mission, prioritising public health.
- Extensive knowledge and expertise in packaging and toxicology areas (either by study or training), with experience in toxicological aspects of food contact materials.
Expected contributions:
- Active participation in Task Force meetings and calls
- Contribution to scientific discussions and activities
- Assistance in scientific work
- Active contribution to the development of new activity proposals
This is a non-paid position. The Scientific Advisor will be invited to task force meetings (approximately four times a year) and will be copied on all Task Force communication. She/he will also have the opportunity to join expert groups. Travel and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed by ILSI Europe according to the provided conditions. ILSI Europe will present the selected Scientific Advisor on its communication channels for visibility and recognition.
If you have any questions or need further information, contact Konrad Korzeniowski at kkorzeniowski@ilsieurope.be
We look forward to welcoming a qualified Scientific Advisor to the ILSI Europe Packaging Materials Task Force!
Why join ILSI Europe as an academic?
- Collaboration opportunities: ILSI Europe provides a platform to collaborate with industry experts, government agencies, and other academic researchers.
- Access to cutting-edge research: By joining ILSI Europe, academics gain access to a network of scientists and experts who are actively involved in the latest research and developments in food safety, nutrition, and health.
- Multidisciplinary approach: Joining ILSI Europe allows academics to gain insights from different, often multi-disciplinary, perspectives, facilitating a more comprehensive understanding of complex scientific issues related to food safety, nutrition, heath and sustainability.
- Science-based decision making: ILSI Europe's peer-reviewed publications help inform risk analyses, decision making, and policies and regulations on issues related to food safety, nutrition, and health
- Educational and training opportunities: ILSI Europe organises workshops, conferences, and training programs to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and skills among its members.
- Funding opportunities: Joining ILSI Europe gives access to a network of experts engaged in EU-funded projects who might welcome you when building their next consortium.
- Career opportunities: ILSI Europe Expert Groups welcome Early Career Scientists, giving them visibility and a chance to collaborate with esteemed experts in their field.