British Journal of Nutrition. 2004;92(2):67-232
The ILSI Europe Nutritional Needs of Children Task Force organised a workshop on 15-17 May 2003 in Rome to review the scientific knowledge related to nutrition in healthy children and adolescents in Europe. The workshop focused on children between two years of age and the end of growth period (eighteen years). Two expert groups had critically reviewed the available data and methodological approaches, and drafted review papers that were distributed to the workshop participants as background information. The workshop pointed out the large disparities in nutrient dietary reference values and dietary intakes in children and adolescents across Europe. These discrepancies, which allowed only limited comparisons, were mainly due to differences in concepts, definitions and methodology used. Specific biological and functional targets for that period of life, and new methods of investigation were acknowledged. Furthermore, the need for a European network aiming at harmonisation of concepts for establishing reference values and of the methodology for measuring food intake was highlighted.
The summary report together with the manuscripts of the workshop presentations and the expert group papers have been published in the British Journal of Nutrition.
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