Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. 2010;54:1215-1247
A review article on the beneficial aspects of food processing was recently published in the Molecular Nutrition and Food Research Journal. The manuscript reviews beneficial aspects of food processing with main focus on cooking/heat treatment, including other food-processing techniques (e.g. fermentation). The study further recommends using information on processed foods in epidemiological studies, need for databases to estimate the intake of compounds from processed foods. A better understanding of the relevance of in vitro results for human health benefits is needed, with due consideration of intake of these compounds from foods. Databases and fit for purpose food intake surveys to estimate the levels of intake of these compounds are also required if the beneficial effects of compounds derived from thermal food processing are to be clearly established.
This article serves as a useful tool for risk assessors and risk managers to help in science-based decision making, and it can be used as a basis for education and communication to food processors and consumers.
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