ILSI Europe Annual Symposium 2024

Lyngby, Denmark

IEAS-2024-banner (2)

About the event

Welcome to the 2024 ILSI Europe Annual Symposium (IEAS): "Nourishing Resilience: Adapting to Global Changes and Future Food Landscape." IEAS is a gathering of experts from around the world who meet to shed light on the current and future challenges in food safety, nutrition and sustainability. It is also an opportunity for experts from academia, industry and public sector to take part in the debate around those topics and create connections.

Join us on 27 November in Lyngby as we explore global changes challenges faced by the food system, nutrition solutions for healthy ageing, innovations for sustainability and resilience, and our future food landscape. Take part in an interactive panel discussion on food safety, expand your knowledge and forge collaborations during this unique networking opportunity.

This year, we organise the Annual Symposium jointly with our Early Career Scientists event. The registration will give you access to both days.

More information on the practicalities of the event coming soon.

Call for abstracts

We accept abstracts for the following sessions:

  • Session 6 - Forever Young: Exploring Solutions for Healthy Aging and Nutrition
  • Session 7a - Redefining Resilience: Innovations for a Sustainable Food Future
  • Session 8 - Taste the Future: A Journey into Tomorrow's Food Landscape

The sessions' descriptions can be found in the programme below

Abstracts will be selected on the basis of scientific excellence and relevance to the sessions.
Submissions will be accepted until 15 June 2024. Authors will be notified at the end of August.
Travel and accommodation for the selected speakers will be covered by ILSI Europe (oral presentations only).


Here is the detailed programme for ILSI Europe Annual Symposium.
To find the detailed programme for the Early Career Scientists Event, click here.

9:00 - 9:30
Networking Coffee
09:30 - 10:20
Session 5 - Keynote: To be defined
10:20 - 11:00
Networking Break & Poster Session
11:00 - 12:30
Session 6 - Forever Young: Exploring Solutions for Healthy Aging and Nutrition

The pace of population ageing is accelerating. The proportion of the world's population over 60 years will continue to grow in the upcoming years I think you need to say that older adults will form a larger proportion of the population?. This prolonged lifespan is accompanied by  an upsurge in chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, cancer, sarcopenia, and degenerative conditions. Could ageing processes be delayed by intervention earlier in life? Research has revealed the connections between dietary quality and life expectancy, as well as the potential benefits of interventions such as caloric restriction, micronutrient supplementation, and consumption of antioxidants and functional foods . Additionally, incorporating sustainability in the pursuit of understanding ageing mechanisms and developing nutritional strategies aligns with a holistic vision of human and planetary health. This session proposes to explore how nutrition emerges as a natural arsenal in the fight against age-related ailments, as well as solutions that can be both effective for individuals and sustainable for generations to come.

12:30 - 14:00
Lunch Break & Poster Session
14:00 - 15:30
Session 7a - Redefining Resilience: Innovations for a Sustainable Food Future

There is an urgent need for food system change to improve both health and environmental outcomes in fairer and more equitable ways. Food needs to be healthy, accessible, and affordable for all citizens. No country is completely food secure, and we all rely upon food imports and exports. Pandemics, conflict and climate change have shown that our food system is vulnerable to environmental and geo-political shocks. There is a clear need to enhance food system resilience to further crises and stresses. Many argue that food should be more expensive, that we are not paying the true cost of the food we put on our plates. Yet, at the same time, we see a rise in the use of food banks and other charitable food provision because many people in our society cannot afford to feed themselves due to the cost of living crisis. This is a dilemma which faces the food industry, policy makers and consumers. A variety of solutions are proposed though it is clear that one size does not fit all. We need to address the whole food system to ensure access to safe, nutritious food for all. Where do we start?

Session 7b - Panel Discussion on innovations in Food Safety

Food safety is under pressure from climate change, emerging raw materials, circular economy, and dietary changes. An adaption of food safety management systems is needed to make them more robust towards changes and hazards. Additionally, EU Member States aim to maintain the highest levels of food safety. In order to reach these highest standards and adapt to changing environment, there is a need for greater synergy among industry, regulators and researchers to 1) discuss and identify food safety priorities, 2) develop innovative solutions and 3) implement them by all players in the food chain into practice. This session will start with a presentation of 2 EU-funded projects, called CATALYSE and FoodSafeR. Then a tripartite panel will be discuss priorities, needs and barriers in the area of food safety. The audience is of course invited to actively participate in the discussion.

15:30 - 16:10
Networking Break & Poster Session
16:10 - 17:50
Session 8 - Taste the Future: A Journey into Tomorrow's Food Landscape

A growing number of food tech companies are using precision fermentation to create animal-free proteins, fats, and oligosaccharides in pursuit of a more sustainable future. New yeast and bacteria fermentation technologies turn simple inputs into a variety of high-quality nutritious fats and functional proteins with a far lower environmental impact than traditional agriculture can deliver. Moreover, the first large-scale robotic vertical farms produce spinach and berries. These urban farms aim to provide essential daily-life vegetables in a more operationally cost-efficient way than traditional farms. These developments show that our future food will likely come also from food grade controlled laboratories and controlled indoor vertical farms. How will our food look and taste in the future? Are consumers ready to consume these differently produced food products? How much should we inform or educate consumers about the origin of the nutrients they consume? Will there be resistance depending on the form of the foods? Let’s delve into the questions that define the future of our food.


Registrations will open soon. Stay tuned!

Registration for the Annual Symposium is also valid for the Early Career Scientists Event.
Various prize categories are on offer. Super Early bird registration dates are valid until 1 June 2024 and Early bird registration dates are valid until 30 Septembre 2024.
If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact Hugo Costa (