Brussels, Belgium
19/05/2014 – 20/05/2014
The final programme is available here.
The activities of EuroDISH took place in three phases. In the workshop of the first phase organised in June 2013, the existing research infrastructures were mapped. During this mapping it was highlighted that there is a need for greater accessibility to data, methods and equipment across countries and disciplines, and that there is a requirement to create sustainable infrastructures. There remains enormous potential to create, advance and link infrastructures to stimulate high-quality food and health research.
In the second phase, the objectives of this workshop were to evaluate the first phase of EuroDISH and to identify the gaps, needs and requirements for newly identified food and health research infrastructures. The key questions of the workshop are the following:
- Has EuroDISH adequately addressed the key questions in the food and health domain?
- What are the functional and governance requirements for new food and health research infrastructures?
The results of the workshop will be summarised in a report shortly after the workshop. The results of the second phase lay the foundation for the subsequent EuroDISH programme and will feed directly into the recommendations about the needs for research infrastructures for the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) and the European Commission. This workshop also provided an opportunity for stakeholders to share their expertise, to add to the integrated findings and to identify arising gaps and needs and governance issues.
This workshop was upon invitation only.
Europe faces a major burden of increasing diet-related public health problems. Improving health through lifestyle, food and nutrition can help combat such issues, but requires high quality research to design effective strategies.
EuroDISH is a 3-year project funded under the EU 7th Framework Programme that aims at integrating of existing food and health research infrastructures, as well as the development of new ones in order to provide comparable EU-wide nutritional data and innovative multi-disciplinary research.
For more detailed information, please contact Dr Stépahne Vidry at or Mr Jeroen Schuermans at or visit