7th International Symposium on Food Packaging – Scientific Developments Supporting Safety and Innovation

Digital, Online
03/05/2022 – 06/05/2022

The 7th International Symposium on Food Packaging – Scientific Developments Supporting Safety and Innovation was a digital-only event that was held from 3rd to 6th May, 2022. This event was supported by the Packaging Materials Task Force.

Participants can access the symposium materials here

The print-friendly version is available HERE

Background & Objectives
The ILSI Europe International Symposia on Food Packaging are held every four years and are internationally recognised as a scientific forum to discuss the science that ensures the safety and quality of food packaging.

Main topics for this 7th edition are:

1. Advances in analytical techniques

  • Migrants from FCMs
  • Micromaterials/nanomaterials
  • NIAS

2. Progress in toxicological prediction and assessment

  • In silico tools and modelling
  • Bioassays
  • Models for mixtures toxicity

3. Progress in risk assessment

  • Role of TTC
  • Food consumption data
  • Micromaterials/nanomaterials
  • NIAS

4. Food Contact Materials in circular economy

  • Sustainability-by-design
  • Recycling
  • Innovative packaging
  • Packaging needs of new food

The participants will review and debate recent advances in the science which supports the demonstration of the safety, quality and innovation of food packaging. In addition, dissemination of results of on-going research will be combined with examining the implications for the future of controlling packaging for foodstuffs.

This multi-disciplinary meeting will be of interest to those active in issues associated with the safety and quality of food packaging, particularly food scientists, chemists, mathematicians, physicists, packaging specialists, control authorities, regulators and risk assessors. It will bring together those involved in basic studies, those responsible for bringing innovations to the market place, and those charged with ensuring the safety and quality of food contact materials.

Abstracts Submission

The Abstracts Submission is now closed
Oral presentations submission: Deadline 15th November 2021 until 17h00
Posters submission: Deadline 15th February 2022 until 17h00

Upon acceptance, the authors will be invited to send a poster or recorded presentation that will be hosted on the event platform. During the event, a chatbox will be available next to the presentation or poster to enable authors to interact with other participants, answer questions and share additional information.

Awards are foreseen for the authors of the best three posters.

Organising Committee

Scientific Committee

Important Dates
May 2021: Launch call for abstracts
15th November 2021: Deadline oral abstracts submission
15th November 2021: Launch early-bird registration
15th February 2022: Deadline abstract for posters
February 2022: Launch full registration
May 2022: Symposium

For further information:
Scientific Programme and poster sessions
Dr Isabelle Guelinckx – Scientific Programme Director at ILSI Europe, iguelinckx@ilsieurope.be
Mr Adam Coventry  –  Project Assistant at ILSI Europe, acoventry@ilsieurope.be

Mr Hugo Costa  – Office Assistant at ILSI Europe, hcosta@ilsieurope.be