Stability, scientific integrity and global impact are strengthened by the new additions
The ILSI Europe Board of Directors (BoD) welcomes 7 members to lead the strategic decisions of the organisation. The new members, proposed by the Nomination Committee, were voted by the Annual General Assembly (GA) that digitally met on 23rd March. Thus, the 2021 ILSI Europe BoD is made up of a total of 17 experts in nutrition and food safety.
Three academic experts were elected for a three-year mandate. Prof. Bryan Hanley (ACTA, NL), former member of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), joins the BoD for the first time. Prof. Jiri Ruprich (National Institute of Public Health, CZ) and Prof. Wim Saris (University of Maastricht, NL) renew their mandate.
Likewise, four official representatives of the Members were also elected for a 3 year mandate. Dr Mariusz Michalik (PepsiCo International, PL) and Dr Peter Van Dael (DSM, CH) renewed their membership, the latter as Treasurer. Dr Suzanne Kettler, (Mondelez, US) and Dr Morten Georg Jensen, (GSK, DK) have been elected to join the BoD.
Additionally, Dr Louise Dye automatically becomes the ILSI Europe President, and Prof. Philip Calder, automatically rotates to ILSI Europe’s Past President seat.
This new composition represents the BoD’s commitment to the Transformation initiated in 2018, and former SAC members’ incorporation shows that scientific integrity is at ILSI Europe’s core.
In ILSI Europe we appreciate and welcome the new BoD members, who have committed to support the mission, vision and strategic approach of the organisation.
See the full list of BoD members here