Consumer Sustainable Food Choices

Empowering consumers to make healthy & sustainable food choices via science-based strategies


One of the goals of the Farm to Fork strategies aims at empowering individual to adapt their diet for better health and sustainability. To allow individuals to make informed, health- and sustainability-conscious choices, a new generation of tools and labelling with health, nutrition and sustainability claims will be needed. Moreover, as we know from the past, to reach an effective behaviour change multicomponent and multistakeholder strategies are needed.


The research proposal aims to co-creating a food environment favouring the shift towards sustainable & healthy diets via innovation, science-based strategies & tools.

This research proposal has been submitted for funding to a Horizon 2020 call entitled "Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: Research and innovation in support of the European Green Deal (H2020-LC-GD-2020)“ subtopic F “Shifting to sustainable healthy diets, sourced from land, inland water and sea, and accessible to all EU citizens, including the most deprived and vulnerable groups”.


The answer of the European Commission is expected for September 2021. If the project is granted, the project will start in January 2022.

"Sustainability is central to the sustainable development goals adopted by the United Nations. The activities developed by ILSI Europe and supported by stakeholders from industry, academia, and public sector, will make it easier for consumers to make sustainable and healthy food choices

Dr Bryan Hanley
Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) (UK) 
Member of the ILSI Europe Scientific Advisory Committee 

Do you want to get the latest news on the SEEDs research proposal?

Contact Dr Matthieu Flourakis -

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