

Investigating the potential of prebiotics to rebalance and maintain health

Task Force Information

Objectives and list of Task Force

Contact Information

Contact details in case you have
specific questions

Activity Overview

Overview of ongoing and
upcoming activities

Expert Groups

Objectives, output and list of experts
involved in each activity


List of publications of this
Task Force


Links to Task Force's related documents,
recordings and much more...

Completed Expert Groups

Details including experts involved of
each activity

Task Force Information


A prebiotic is a food ingredient that selectively stimulates growth and/or the activity of microbial species inhabiting the host, which may bring about health benefits. A better understanding of mechanisms of prebiotics is still needed. The task force aims at providing mechanistic insights linking prebiotics to individual health benefits.

Task Force Members

WP DataTables

*Scientific Advisor

Contact Information

For more detailed information, please contact Georgia Chatonidi at

Activity Overview



- Role of prebiotics in bacterial and viral infection, and vaccination efficiency

Recent research suggests a beneficial effect of nondigestible carbohydrates-type prebiotics consumption on immunity and resistance to infections. The purpose of this activity is to review and collect and assess the scientific evidence and provide academic and industry scientists working in the prebiotic field with answers regarding the potential impact on viral and bacterial diseases and vaccination efficacy.

Start date: September 2022 | End date: Q4 2024


- Implementation of NAMs in prebiotic research

With the Task Force on New Approach Methodologies (NAMs), the Prebiotics Task Force has developed a new project to address the implementation of NAMs in prebiotic research through a gap analysis and a strategic mapping of existing models.

Expected kick-off: Q4 2024

- Markers of the gut microbiota

The group aims to identify key markers for assessing microbiota improvement, focusing on measurable indicators of microbiota composition. The activity is shared with the Probiotics Task Force.

Kick-off: Q4 2024 - End: Q1 2026

Expert Groups

Role of prebiotics in bacterial and viral infection, and vaccination efficiency

Background and Objectives

This review aims at collecting and assessing the scientific evidence of the potential impact on viral and bacterial diseases and vaccination efficacy. The review will give the current status for prebiotics impact on infections, both prevention or recovery, and in supporting vaccination efficacy, for academics and industry scientists in this field.


This activity aims to understand the extent and mechanisms by which prebiotics impact the human host to support immunity in infection situations and vaccination efficacy. Output of this review will assess the scientific evidence and provide academic and industry scientists working in the prebiotic field with answers regarding the potential impact on viral and bacterial diseases and vaccination efficacy. The review will cover all age groups from infants to elderly as effects can differ to the development of the immune system.

Expert Group Members

WP DataTables



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Completed Expert Groups