Early Nutrition and Long-Term Health

Early Nutrition and Long-Term Health

Why nutrition  in early life matters?

Task Force Information

Objectives and list of Task Force members

Contact Information

Contact details in case you have specific questions

Activity Overview

Overview of ongoing and upcoming activities

Expert Groups

Objectives, output and list of experts involved in each activity


List of publications of this
Task Force


Links to Task Force related documents, recordings and much more...

Completed Expert Groups

Details including experts involved of
each activity

Task Force Information


The Task Force aims at providing scientific evidence to support guidelines for maternal and infant nutrition to ensure life-time optimal health. It also identifies risk factors for obesity and other health consequences at the earliest stages of life.

Task Force Members

WP DataTables

Contact Information

For more detailed information, please contact Ching-Yu Chang at cchang@ilsieurope.be

Activity Overview


- Early biomarkers for prediction of metabolic health

The Expert Group on early biomarkers for prediction of metabolic health aims to review biomarkers in early life that could be used to predict development of childhood obesity and metabolic health. This prediction may drive knowledge of personalised nutrition.

Start date: May 2021 | End date: Q4 2024

- Carbohydrates in toddlers’ nutrition

The activity aims to collect scientific evidence about digestible and non digestible carbohydrates in relation to health outcomes for toddlers (1-3 years old), taking into consideration complementary food as well as young child formula. The activity is shared with DC Task Force.

Start date: December 2021 | End date: Q4 2024

- Lipid quality in early life nutrition

The Expert Group on Lipid quality in early life nutrition aims to generate an overview of the dietary lipid quality in the first year of life and its relations with health benefits for consumers.

Start date: Q3 2022 | End date: Q4 2024

- Plant-based proteins for infants

The Expert Group on Plant-based proteins for infants aims to evaluate the nutritional quality of plant protein-based infant formula for term-born infants (< 1 years old). The group is organising a physical workshop with three sessions: Source, Processing, and Safety; Nutrition Quality and Health Impact; and Sustainability. A proceeding will be published.

Start: Q4 2023 | End: Q4 2025

In the Pipeline

  • Evidence review on gut-brain-axis, early microbiome development and mental health later in life.
  • Evidence review on probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics in infant nutrition.
  • Evidence review on vegan diet for children.
  • Evidence review/gap analysis on countries nutritional requirements for weaning food (1-3 years) / young child formula.

Expert Groups

Early biomarkers for prediction of metabolic health

Background and Objectives

The aim of the activity is to review biomarkers in early life that could be used to predict development of childhood obesity and metabolic health. The activity will focus on invasive and non-invasive, perinatal and postnatal biomarkers. This activity aims to:

- Summarise the current evidence for early life (perinatal and postnatal) biomarkers that are able to predict childhood obesity and related metabolic health.

- Emphasise relevance of combining conventional predictive markers (e.g. early weight gain) with novel applications of metabolomics, epigenetics and microbiota profiling. It will help to more accurately and effectively identify infants at risk to develop obesity.

- Emphasise importance of validity and reliability of identified biomarkers for application of such biomarkers in (daily) practice.


The highlighted (recent) findings in the development of biomarkers for early life prediction of metabolic health could be used to guide risk prediction and stratification. This prediction may drive development and knowledge of personalised (infant) nutrition to reduce the risk of childhood obesity. Researchers should become aware of the urgency to develop and validate new predictive biomarkers that are both easily detectable and responsive to nutritional interventions.

Expert Group Members

Lipid quality in early life nutrition

Background and Objectives

The activity aims to generate an overview of the fatty acid (FA) quality composition consumption (by means of from all dietary sources; human milk, infant milk formula and complementary feeding) in the first year of life and to what extent this brings or relates to its relation to health benefits for infants consumers. A particular focus is given on exploring appropriate intake levels of Saturated Fatty Acids (SFA) and Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA).


The results will be compiled in a review and published in a peer-reviewed journal. The publication will summarise expert insights and hopefully propose a consensus on the FA profile of the first year of life diet. It will highlight knowledge gaps and outline plans for future research and possibly a basis for new EFSA recommendations.

Expert Group Members


WP DataTables

Plant-based protein for infant

Background and Objectives

The adoption of vegan diets and the consequent demand for plant-based food and plant-based beverages has increased globally, including those suitable for infants. Proteins from plant-based sources usually have lower protein quality and poor technological characteristics (low solubility and poor heat stability) compared to animal-based proteins. Together with the specific infant nutritional requirements, multiple challenges for the application of plant-based proteins are foreseen.

This activity will identify challenges and considerations about the nutritional quality of plant protein-based infant formula for infants below 1 year by organizing a workshop in Q4 2024.


Proceedings of debate/workshop including all challenges, all considerations, gap analysis and guideline for suitability of plant protein-based infant formula.

Expert Group Members

WP DataTables


Z to A

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                    [post_title] => A Systematic Review of the Effects of Increasing Arachidonic Acid Intake on PUFA Status, Metabolism and Health-Related Outcomes in Humans
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The intestinal microbiota plays a major role in infant health and development. However, the role of the breastmilk microbiota in infant gut colonisation remains unclear. A systematic review was performed to evaluate the composition of the breastmilk microbiota and evidence for transfer to/colonisation of the infant gut. Searches were performed using PUBMED, OVID, LILACS and PROQUEST from inception until 18th March 2020 with a PUBMED update to December 2021. 88 full texts were evaluated before final critique based on study power, sample contamination avoidance, storage, purification process, DNA extraction/analysis, and consideration of maternal health and other potential confounders. Risk of skin contamination was reduced mainly by breast cleaning and rejecting the first milk drops. Sample storage, DNA extraction and bioinformatics varied. Several studies stored samples under conditions that may selectively impact bacterial DNA preservation, others used preculture reducing reliability. Only 15 studies, with acceptable sample size, handling, extraction, and bacterial analysis, considered transfer of bacteria to the infant. Three reported bacterial transfer from infant to breastmilk. Despite consistent evidence for the breastmilk microbiota, and recent studies using improved methods to investigate factors affecting its composition, few studies adequately considered transfer to the infant gut providing very little evidence for effective impact on gut colonisation.

Keywords Expand

Microbiota, infant, breast milk, gut colonisation, systematic review

To download this open-access article, please click here.

Commissioned by the Early Nutrition and Long-Term Health Task Force.

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Completed Expert Groups