Scientific Publications

Scientific Publications

ILSI Europe disseminates science by publishing articles on original research, literature reviews and gap analyses, and meeting proceedings in peer-reviewed journals with high impact factors. ILSI Europe also publishes books, monographs, white papers, and other reports.

Discover below our latest scientific publications.

Oldest to Newest

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                    [post_date] => 2016-06-28 21:24:31
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                    [post_title] => Nutrition and Physical Performance
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                    [post_title] => Nutritional Appraisal of Novel Foods
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                    [post_date] => 2016-06-28 21:26:15
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                    [post_content] => 
                    [post_title] => Food Allergy and Other Adverse Reactions to Food
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                    [post_date] => 2016-06-28 21:17:16
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                    [post_title] => Naturally Occurring Virulence-Attenuated Isolates of Listeria Monocytogenes Capable of Inducing Long-Term Protection against Infection by Virulent Strains of Homologous and Heterologous Serotypes
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                    [post_title] => Beta-Carotene, Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Quercetin in the Prevention of Degenerative Disease: The Role of Foods
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