Threshold of Toxicological Concern for Chemical Substances Present in the Diet

ILSI Europe Report Series

The ILSI Europe Task Force on TTC established an expert group to address the questions raised about the applicability of the TTC to chemicals present in the diet. The results of the expert group’s work were presented in a paper entitled “TTC for Chemical Substances Present in the Diet: a practical tool for assessing the need for toxicity testing”. Results also were discussed in a workshop on “TTC for Chemical Substances Present in the Diet”, organised by the task force on 5-6 October 1999, in Paris (F). Participants in the workshop agreed that the TTC could be applied to most chemicals in food, and yet, it was emphasised that being a probabilistic approach, there would inevitably be outliers below any TTC adopted. Also, it was noted that different considerations might apply and should be examined for exposure through other routes, such as occupational exposure. It was concluded that a TTC would be more widely acceptable to both scientists and risk managers if a pre-screening assessment were applied, to identify outliers before hand. Depending on the outcome of the pre – screening analysis, TTC range values could be selected. Finally, it was generally agreed that using the TTC concept for regulatory purposes would require increased sophistication of exposure assessments.

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