International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 2003;54:1-32
The safety of traditional foods and food ingredients and foods subjected to traditional processing technologies is usually assumed on the basis of historical safety practices. Where materials or technologies are introduced for the first time into the food chain, assurance of their safety in use must be derived by other means. Regulatory frameworks exist to ensure that novel foods and processes undergo an assessment before they enter the market place for the first time but, because of the nature of novel foods and ingredients, assessment of their safety in use often requires special considerations.
This guidance paper, prepared by an expert group established under the auspices of the ILSI Europe Novel Food Task Force, was discussed at an ILSI Europe Workshop on “The Safety Assessment of Novel Foods and Concepts to Determine their Safety in Use” held on 20-22 November 2002, in Barcelona, Spain. More than 50 scientists in the fields of food technology, nutrition and toxicology participated and provided the basis for further refinements of the principles elaborated in this document.
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