ILSI Europe Series. 2011:1-32
The present report is the eighth in the report series on food packaging materials, which was commissioned by the ILSI Europe Packaging Materials Task Force. The report series aims at giving a concise overview on specific packaging materials with regard to their uses as packaging material, their basic chemistry, safety and toxicology, regulation and environmental fate. The reports mainly address an audience in the packaging-producing and packaging-using sectors.
Printed food packaging is used to provide information to the final consumer and plays an important role in the presentation and advertising of foodstuffs. Some of this information is legally required, such as weight, vendor details, information about composition, presence of allergens and nutritional details, etc. In addition, printing is carried out for decorative and protective purposes.
This report mainly deals with printing inks applied on the non-food contact surface of food packaging (packaging inks) as outlined in the information leaflet of the European Printing Ink Association.
To download this report, please click here.
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