ILSI Europe hosts, sponsors, and co-organises a variety of scientific events. These include independent symposia, workshops, webinars, hands-on scientific trainings and sessions held as part of the program of larger scientific conferences or professional meetings.
Explore below our past events for recordings, agendas, copies of presentations, meeting summaries and other reports.
Past Events
ILSI Europe Session “Chemical Contamination in Food – an Update” at the IAFP European Symposium
Warsaw, Poland
Workshop: Biomarkers of Inflammation Towards Guidance for Future Nutrition Studies
14/05/2012 – 15/05/2012
Seville, Spain
This workshop was organised by the Nutrition and Immunity Task Force.
ILSI Europe Breakfast Session ‘Aspects of Energy Metabolism’ at the 19th European Congress on Obesity
Lyon, France
ILSI Europe organised a breakfast session at the 19th ECO, and presented there highlights of the major work achieved by ILSI Europe Task Forces on Obesity related work.
Workshop: Monitoring Immune Modulation By Nutrition in the General Population
16/04/2012 – 17/04/2012
Nice, France
This workshop was organised by the Nutrition and Immunity and Probiotics Task Forces.
ILSI Europe 2012 Annual Symposium – The 21st Century Food Chain
29/03/2012 – 30/03/2012
Brussels, Belgium
Under the theme “The 21st century food chain”, ILSI Europe’s 2012 Annual Symposium covered a broad selection of topics including primary production and sourcing, processing technologies, food intake physiology and societal impact of food, concluding with future outlooks for ILSI Europe.
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