Workshop ‘The Potential for Incorporating Data on Occurrence and Consumer Loyalty into Dietary Exposure Models’

Dublin, Ireland

Many methods routinely used for the assessment of dietary exposure to chemicals such as food additives, flavours, enzymes and food contact materials assume that all foods in a category where the substance is permitted will contain that chemicals and often at the maximum permitted levels. This distorts the exposure assessment because in reality not all foods in a given category will have any technological need for the chemical and in most cases, other substances are available that can perform the same function. In reality long-term exposure will reflect overall patterns of substance use, unless there is a tendency to strong consumer loyalty.

More realistic dietary exposure models would take into account the range of possible concentrations of a chemical in food, the proportion of foods in a given category that contain the substance, and the effect of consumer loyalty on individual consumption behavior.
We aim to draw together experts in dietary exposure modelling, food additive and other food chemicals occurrence data, consumer behavior statistics and data analysis. Together, we will work to review the available information and to consider potential methods for incorporating occurrence frequency data and quantitative information about consumer loyalty into realistic exposure models.

Expected Outcome
A peer-reviewed publication covering the discussions will be produced soon after the workshop.

The programme can be found here.

Session 1: General Introduction and Background
Welcome, ILSI Europe introduction (Dr Isabelle Guelinckx, ILSI Europe Scientific Programme Director)
Introduction to the DIET TF and background to Workshop (Dr David Tennant, DIET TF Scientific Advisor)

Session 2: Scene Setting, Availability of Data and its Use for Quantitative Analysis
Methods and data gathering for quantitative analysis – state of the art (Dr Aaron O’Sullivan, PepsiCo)
Dietary intake assessment for sweeteners: lessons learned from intake assessments in Europe (Dr Joris van Loco, Sciensano)
Potential use of Market Research Data in Dietary Exposure Assessments (Dr David Tennant, DIET TF Scientific Advisor)

Session 3: Future directions
Use of statistics for intake prediction. Deterministic vs. probabilistic models, interpretation of results (Dr John Paul Gosling, University of Leeds)
Developments of Intake and Exposure Modelling for Consumer Loyalty (Dr Cronan McNamara, Creme Global)


Registration is available here.


The event was held at:
The Convention Centre Dublin
Spencer Dock
North Wall Quay
Dublin 1
D01 T1W6

Registration and Payment
Attendance at this half-day workshop was upon invitation.
A few seats have been reserved for interested experts subject to a registration fee.

• Academia and public sector: €200
• Industry: €300

Requests should be sent to Ms Nevena Hristozova (
• The registration fee covers:
• Admission to the half-day workshop
• Abstract booklet
• Buffet Refreshments 14 October 2019

For further information:
Scientific Programme
Ms Nevena Hristozova
Scientific Project Manager
+32 2 775 91 44

Ms Belinda Antonio
Project Assistant
+32 2 775 91 49