Brussels, Belgium
02/04/2014 – 04/04/2014
The programme is available here.
Since the introduction of the Commission Regulation (EU) No 10/2011, the term NIAS (Non-Intentionally Added Substance) has become official for plastics. According to the legislation, NIAS have to be assessed using scientifically recognized principles of risk assessment. A clear description of what NIAS are and how the risk assessment should be performed for the many different types of NIAS that exist is, however, missing. Also, NIAS do appear in other materials than plastic, but guidance there is also missing. Current practice is that companies use internal but non-transparent procedures to assess NIAS. Guidance of what NIAS are and how these could be assessed is therefore of utmost importance.
To bring together key stakeholders from industry, regulating authorities and control laboratories involved in the risk assessment of NIAS and to discuss the best approach(es) to evaluate NIAS and find consensus where necessary.
The following subjects were discussed during the workshop:
- terminology NIAS;
- GMP principles and information transfer throughout the supply chain;
- chemical analysis;
- exposure assessment;
- hazard identification;
- risk assessment.
The workshop deliverable was a guidance that helps the supply chain of any type of food contact material in the safety assessment of NIAS. A peer-reviewed publication covering the discussions will be produced after the workshop. For more inforamtion, please visit the pages of the Packaging Materials Task Force.
Mr Jeroen Schuermans at
Registration was only upon invitation.
This event was coordinated by the Packaging Materials Task Force.