Risk assessment and risk management of substances which could migrate into foodstuffs from food contact materials and articles

Digital Event, Zoom
10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Speakers Program

10.00-10.05: Welcome - (ILSI Europe, BE)

10.05-10.10: Objectives of the workshop - Packaging Materials Task Force Chairs Mrs Mélanie Jacquet (Danone, FR) – Dr Thomas Gude (SQTS, CH)

10.10-10.25: Setting the scene: overview of the EU FCMAs legislation and areas for revision - Dr Jonathan Briggs (European Commission, BE)

10.25-10.40: Over-arching principles for RA/RM of FCMs agreed by the Cross Sector Group - Dr Peter Oldring (Sherwin-Williams, UK)

10.40-11.15: Overview of available guidance for risk assessment and risk management of FCMAs in different sectors - Dr Ulrich Nehring (NEHRING Consultants, DE)

11.15-11.20: 5-min Break

11.20-11.35: The challenge of NIAS in food contact materials for the food and beverage industry - Alejandro Rodarte (FoodDrinkEurope, BE)

11.35-11.50: Risk Assessment of NLS and NIAS – the views of the producers of food contact additivesDr Miguel Angel Pietro Arranz (FCA, Food Contact Additive sector of CEFIC, BE)

11.50-12.05: EuPIA’s procedure to evaluate NIAS and NLS - Dr Evert Delbanco, Chairman of NIAS Risk Assessment Task Force (EuPIA, BE)

12.05-12.15: Introduction to the breakout sessions (ILSI Europe, BE)

12.15-13.00: Lunch Break

13.00-15.00: Breakout sessions

  1. Areas for improvement and harmonization in the risk assessment of migrants
  2. Scientific principles to establish harmonized guidelines for risk management of migrants
  3. Will the Green Deal and Chemical Strategy for Sustainability affect future approaches for risk assessment and risk management of migrants?

15.00-15.15: Break

15.15-16.45: Report on the breakout sessions

16.45-17.00: Conclusion & Closing

Background and objectives

In the past 5 years, the Packaging Materials Task Force has been building a set of tools to demonstrate the safety of food contact materials and articles (FCMAs) regarding non-intentionally added substances (NIAS). The task force has already published two documents on those substances and bioassays for assessing their toxicology. A third document is expected early 2022 and will provide best practices for analytical approaches in identifying and quantifying NIAS.

The Task Force organised a workshop to discuss the potential need for guidance for a harmonised approach to perform risk assessment and risk management of migrants from all FCMs.

During the workshop, invited stakeholders have been invited to share their perspective on:

  • Availability and applicability of guidance for intentionally added substances (IAS);
  • Availability and applicability of guidance for NIAS;
  • What is the need for non-plastics FCMs?
  • What is foreseen in terms of risk management of migrants from FCMs in Europe in line with the Farm-to-Fork strategy?
  • What are the hurdles and research need to reach a harmonised approach?

The input has been fed into a discussion to determine if there was a need for initiatives to provide harmonized guidelines for safety assessment and risk management of potential migrants from FCMAs.

Please be advised that this event has reached capacity and registration is now closed.  If you would like to receive a recording of the event please let us know via the contacts below:

Organising Committee

  • Mrs Mélanie Jacquet (Danone, FR)
  • Dr Christina Northfleet (OMYA, CH)
  • Dr Peter Oldring (Sherwin-Williams, UK)
  • Prof. Thomas Simat (TU Dresden, DE)
  • Dr Siméon Bourdoux (ILSI Europe, BE)
  • The Packaging Materials Task Force

For more information on this digital event, please contact Siméon Bourdoux, Scientific Project Manager, at sbourdoux@ilsieurope.be or Adam Coventry, Project Assistant, at acoventry@ilsieurope.be.