Athens, Greece
13/05/2016 – 14/05/2016
During the last European Symposium on Food Safety organised by the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP), Cardiff, 20-22 April 2015, a session on ‘Integration of Omic Data into Risk Assessment’ was organised. It was agreed that it would be of importance to deepen the discussions on this topic soon. Following this session and the successful workshop on ‘Applications of Omics Technologies’ organised by ILSI Europe in May 2011, ILSI Europe was invited to organise a workshop that reconsiders the newly established tools for MRA. An Organising Committee was set up to prepare this workshop as a satellite event of the IAFP European Symposium on Food Safety to be held 13-14 May 2016 in Athens, Greece.
There are newly established tools that allow us to change our approaches to risk assessment concerning food pathogens and process ecology. Participants in this workshop will take on this challenge with us and bring together experts in the field of risk assessment to jointly generate indications and guidance on next generation microbiological risk assessment. The scientific questions discussed were the use of whole genome sequencing in outbreak detection and epidemiology, the use of metagenomics to determine product and process ecology, the use of omics in exposure assessment and hazard characterisation, and to outline the impact of these on microbiological risk assessment.
The programme is available here.
Participation in this workshop was free and upon invitation only. In case the maximum number of participants has not be reached the registration was open o all interested scientists and people could registered on a first come, first serve basis.
For the convenience of the participants, the workshop started directly after the IAFP European Symposium on Food Safety at 13.30 on Friday, 13 May at the Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, which was the same location as the IAFP European Symposium. The next day on Saturday, 14 May at 08.30, the workshop continued in a nearby location; the Crowne Plaza Athens City Centre Hotel.
Overall Chair: Prof. Luca Cocolin (University of Turin, IT)
Overall Vice-Chair: Dr Trevor Phister (PepsiCo International, UK)
Introduction to International Life Sciences Institute, Europe (ILSI Europe)
Prof. Diána Bánáti (ILSI Europe, BE)
Introduction to International Committee on Food Microbiology and Hygiene (ICFMH) and to the Background of this Workshop Prof. Luca Cocolin (University of Turin, IT)
The Use of Whole Genome Sequencing in Outbreak Detection and Epidemiology
Dr Paul Cook (FSA, UK)
The Use of Metagenomics to Determine Product and Process Ecology
Dr Kalliopi Rantsiou (University of Turin, IT)
The Use of Omics in Exposure Assessment and Hazard Characterisation
Dr Eelco Franz (RIVM, NL)
For more information on the workshop, please see the programme below, find the flyer here or contact Ms Lilou van Lieshout at