Lisbon, Portugal
27/06/2012 – 29/06/2012
In past and current projects coordinated by ILSI Europe, like FUFOSE, PASSCLAIM, BRAFO and EURRECA, and in many activities of ILSI Europe’s task forces, a research gap has been identified concerning the evaluation of markers used in the field of nutrition research. The lack of criteria to evaluate these markers makes the comparison of results from various studies difficult, and jeopardizes the future development of evidence-based nutrition. To fill this gap, ILSI Europe started in 2011 a 3-year initiative, called the Marker Initiative in Nutrition Research.
The current workshop has initiate step 2 of the Marker Initiative by discussing the results retrieved during step 1, initiated in 2011. This step 1 consisted of approach A and approach B. In approach A, an expert group identified “evidence-based” criteria for selecting adequate markers based on a literature review. In parallel, the approach B was conducted by a series of expert groups from various existing task forces of ILSI Europe, which created a list of broadly used markers in their field of nutrition research and by analysing the adequacy of these markers, they identified the selection criteria used in their field of nutrition research.
The results of both approaches are now being compiled into one working document. In order to ensure the application of the best science and a thorough review of the preparatory work produced, the workshop aims to fulfil the following objectives:
- To obtain consensus on the criteria for evaluating markers in nutrition research;
- To initiate the development of guidance on how to use the consensus criteria.
The outcome will be a manuscript summarizing the criteria that resulted from the workshop, which will be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal. This publication will summarise the results of step 1 of the initiative as well as the conclusions of the workshop. The manuscript will serve as a basis for the further development of guidance in evaluating markers in the field of nutrition research.
To download the programme, click here.
The workshop was held at:
SANA Lisboa
Av Fontes Pereira de Melo, 8
1069-310 LISBOA
Tel: + 351 210 064 300
Fax: + 351 210 064 301
Prof. Michael J. Gibney (Chair), University College Dublin, IE
Dr. Christophe Matthys (Vice-Chair), Catholic University of Leuven, BE
Dr. Jean-Michel Antoine, Danone, FR
Dr. Rolf Bos, Friesland Campina, NL
Prof. Paul Collinson, St George's Hospital and Medical School, UK
Prof. Nathalie Delzenne, Université Catholique de Louvain, BE
Prof. Roland DeVlieger, University Hospial of Leuven, BE
Prof. Louise Dye, University of Leeds, UK
Prof. Martine Laville, University of Lyon, FR
Prof. Ian Rowland, University of Reading, UK
Prof. Ulrich Sack, University of Leipzig, DE
Dr. Egbert Smit, Maastricht University, NL
Dr. Jan de Vries, Consultant, NL
Prof. Jerry Wells, Wageningen University, NL
Ms. Agnès Méheust, ILSI Europe, BE
Dr. Stephane Vidry, ILSI Europe, BE
Prof. Michael J. Gibney (Chair), University College Dublin, IE
Dr. Michele Kellerhals (Vice Chair), Coca-Cola Europe, BE
Dr. Henk Hendriks, TNO, NL
Dr. Loek Pijls, Nestlé, CH
Ms. Agnès Méheust, ILSI Europe, BE
Dr. Stephane Vidry ILSI Europe, BE