ILSI Europe 2014 Annual Symposium

Brussels, Belgium
20/03/2014 – 21/03/2014
Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre

IEAS2014_banner website


The complete programme is available here.


In 2013, ILSI Europe re-organised its scientific portfolio. We developed a new mapping of our activities based on 6 overarching fundamental themes. This new structure aimed to stimulate cross-fertilization of ideas between our task forces and facilitate their alignment.

This success story started at our last Annual Symposium where all our members brainstormed on our portfolio, future scientific strategy and long-term action plan. Following the 2013 Annual Symposium, our Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) developed a new mapping of our scientific activities to better reflect our main and strategic fields of interest that was recently approved by our Board of Directors (BOD).


For the first time, the programme reflected our own scientific portfolio to provide our collaborators with a clear overview of the wide variety of activities addressed by ILSI Europe. The sessions highlighted the key outcomes of our expert groups.


Session 1: Opening
Scientific Challenges in Europe for the Next Decade
Prof. Anne Glover - European Commission, Belgium

Science for All, All for Science
Prof. Diána Bánáti - ILSI Europe, Belgium

Introduction to the Symposium
Prof. Gerhard Eisenbrand - University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

Session 2: Food Safety
Hazard versus Risk Assessment
Prof. Wolfgang Dekant - University of Wuerzburg, Germany

Low Dose Effect
Prof. Alan Boobis - Imperial College London, United Kingdom

Microbiology Risk Assessment
Dr Nick Johnson - Nestlé, Switzerland

Session 3: Gut Microbiota & Health
Health Benefits of Prebiotics
Prof. Christine Edwards - University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

Probiotics – Interplay with the Intestinal Barrier
Prof. Jerry Wells - The Netherlands

Selecting and Interpreting Markers of Immunomodulation in Nutrition Studies
Dr Jalil Benyacoub - Nestlé, Switzerland

Session 4: Nutrition and Healthy Ageing
Early Life Nutrition
Dr Ken Ong - University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Low Grade Inflammation
Prof. Anne-Marie Minihane - University of East Anglia (UEA), University of East Anglia (UEA), United Kingdom

Brain Imaging for Early Detection of Nutrition Effects
Dr Stéphane Sizonenko - Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland

Session 5: Biomarkers
The Marker Initiative
Dr Jean-Michel Antoine - Danone, France

Measuring and Validating the Subjective Effects of Foods on Mood and Mental Performance
Prof. Louise Dye - University of Leeds, United Kingdom

Session 6: Future Path for Sustainability
Food and Nutrition Security and its Interactions with Environmental Change
Dr John Ingram - University of Oxford, United Kingdom


Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre
Avenue du Boulevard 17
BE - 1210 Brussels, Belgium
+32 2 205 12 11
Hotel website and How to reach the hotel


This event is upon invitation. For more information, please contact Ms Ruth Marquet, Conference and Membership Manager (