Workshop on 'Identifying Preferred Approaches for Quantifying the Health and Economic Impact of Modifying Nutrient Intakes'
Brussels, Belgium
06/04/2017 – 07/04/2017
Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre, Brussels, Belgium
There are widespread, established population-based recommendations to change diets with the purpose of reducing the risk of non-communicable diseases and promoting optimal health and well-being. For these purposes food industry is modifying the composition of food products, and decision makers are developing programmes on reducing or increasing the nutritional composition of foods. All these activities are not done in standardized ways and approaches used for assessing, monitoring, comparing, reporting and communicating the potential impact of changes to make recommendations are not consistent or available. Viewing the scientific literature it was observed that there is a wide variety of models that are currently used and recommended to estimate the public health and economic impact of nutrition interventions.
The objective of this workshop was to discuss, evaluate and identify preferred model/modelling approaches to estimate the quality of life, health and economic impacts of changes in the nutritional composition of foods or changing food and nutrient intake.
Expected Outcome
The main expected outcome of this workshop was to come up with recommendations for scientifically valid and transparent though accessible and practical selected model(s) that could be used by food industry and policy makers etc. to make informed decisions for action, and to help to estimate the potential health and economic benefits and help achieving global dietary recommendations.
The flyer including the programme is available here.
Overall Chair – Prof. Gülden Pekcan (Hasan Kalyoncu University, TR)
Overall Co-Chair – Dr Mariska Dötsch-Klerk (Unilever, NL)
Overall Rapporteur – Dr Maaike Bruins (DSM, CH)
Overall Co-Rapporteur – Dr Annet Roodenburg (HAS University of Applied Sciences, NL)
Session 1: Introduction and Background
Opening and Welcome
Prof. Diána Bánáti (ILSI Europe, BE)
Introduction to the Workshop
Prof. Gülden Pekcan (Hasan Kalyoncu University, TR)
View on Existing Models, Applicability and Limitations: Academic Perspective
Prof. Jacob van Klaveren (RIVM, NL)
View on Existing Models, Applicability and Limitations: Public Health Perspective
Dr Jan Wollgast (European Commission – Joint Research Centre, IT)
View on Existing Models, Applicability and Limitations: Industry Perspective
Dr Patrick Detzel (Nestlé, CH)
For more information on this event, please contact Dr Bettina Schelkle, Scientific Project Manager (