Brussels, Belgium
11:30 am – 1:00 pm
About the event
This workshop will raise awareness and interest in New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) and their relevance in modern scientific and regulatory landscapes.
The programme will include:
- Introduction to NAMs – A presentation explaining when and why animal testing is still performed, what NAMs are, the methodologies they encompass, their benefits, and their relevance, followed by a Q&A.
- Recent Developments – Updates on advancements in NAMs and their applications.
- Regulatory Perspectives on NAMs – A presentation mapping how regulatory authorities view NAMs, followed by Q&A.
- Task Force Insights – A roundtable discussion to present ILSI Europe NAMs Task Force’s activities and engage with the audience for input.
Coming soon
This exclusive event is for members only.
See full General Assembly 2025 programme
Not a member? Feel free to express your interest in the workshop by contacting Sebastien Alexandre, membership manager.