Early Career Scientists Webinar of the Process-Related Compounds & Natural Toxins Task Force 2020

Digital Event, GoToWebinar

Food is a basic requirement for life. It provides nutrients and energy essential for physiological functions and optimal health. However, food can also be associated with adverse health effects caused by the presence of natural toxins, hazardous chemical substances or pathogens. Adverse health effects may also be observed if the dietary intake of specific nutrients in foods is not appropriate. While the benefits and risks associated with food are usually assessed separately, there is an increasing demand from different stakeholders for holistic and objective assessments of the health effect of foods and, since 2008 food scientists have worked on a new methodology: risk-benefit assessment. Risk-benefit assessment of foods intends to estimate the human health benefits and risks following exposure (or lack of exposure) to a particular food or food component and to integrate them in comparable measures.

In this webinar, a panel of experts introduced and discussed key concepts in the risk-benefit assessment of foods with an emphasis on the need to integrate risks and benefits in a combined assessment.


  • What is benefit-risk assessment of foods? - By Prof. Morten Poulsen / National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark
  • Challenges in risk-benefit assessment of food with examples of applications - By Dr Lea Sletting Jacobsen / National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark
  • Panel Discussion and questions from the audience - With Dr Neil Buck, Ms Sue O’Hagan, Prof. Morten Poulsen, Dr Lea Sletting Jacobsen, Dr Michele Suman, and Prof. Armando Venâncio

To register for the webinar, click here.

For more information, please contact Siméon Bourdoux  at sbourdoux@ilsieurope.be.