Webinar, Online
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

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“Collaborative science for safe, nutritious and sustainable food” is what the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) stands for. As non-profit organisation, we convened the best scientists from academia, industry & public sector to deliver, communicate and disseminate science-based solutions. In this webinar seven research proposals have been pitched in the field of nutrition & health, kicking off early next year. If you are interested, join us to shape and carry out these research proposals !
- Microbiome-based research before and during pregnancy
- Cognitive Performance, gut microbiome and role of Prebiotics
- Postbiotics: consumer insights and knowledge gaps
- Are you as old as your gut says you are?
- Precision nutrition to improve blood glucose homeostasis
- Carbohydrate and Protein intake interaction during ageing
- The multiple faces of personalised precision nutrition
- ILSI Europe introduction and ways of working
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MODERATOR 1 : Isabelle Guelinckx – Scientific Director, ILSI Europe
Isabelle Guelinckx, PhD is Scientific Director at ILSI Europe, Brussel, Belgium since September 2019. She received her MSc and Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. She also completed a second Master of Science in Physical Activity and Health at the University Maastricht, the Netherlands and a professional Bachelor in Dietetics and Nutrition at the Catholic College Leuven, Belgium. After 10 years within academia, Isabelle joined the central R&D of Danone Nutricia Research, France where she managed R&D projects and later on R&D team. Her major research focus with over 40 publications was on the nutritional assessment of fluid intake via the Liq.in7 surveys in populations worldwide. At ILSI Europe Isabelle is responsible for the identification and implementation of scientific portfolio, and link with the Scientific Advisory Committee. If you have questions related to the ILSI Europe scientific portfolio, events, and related, don’t hesitate to contact her at iguelinckx@ilsieurope.be .
MODERATOR 2 : Kieran Tuohy – Chair in Energy Metabolism and Microbiome, School of Food Science & Nutrition, University of Leeds
Kieran Tuohy is Professor of Energy Metabolism and Microbiome at the School of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Leeds. He is a microbiologist working in the field of nutrition and his research focuses on how microbiomes both within the gut and along the food chain impact on human nutrition, health and disease risk. He has a particular interest in whole probiotics, prebiotics, plant foods, fermented foods, and their bioactive components, and how they modulate the intestinal microbiota for improved host health. He joined University of Leeds in February 2022, and before that led a team of microbiologists, nutritionists and bioinformaticists at the Nutrition and Nutrigenomics Unit, Fondazione Edmund Mach, Italy for 12 years. Between 2006 and 2010, he served as lecturer in Food Metabonomics at the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Reading, and before that worked as a researcher in the laboratory of Professor Glenn Gibson at Reading. He received his PhD from the University of Surrey in 2000 under the supervision of Professors Martin Adams and Ian Rowland. He holds an MSc in Environmental Microbiology from the University of Aberdeen, and BSc in Industrial Microbiology from University College Dublin, Ireland.
1. Jonathan Lane – Associate Director of Research and Innovation, Health and Happiness Group
Presentation title: Microbiome-based research before and during pregnancy
Jonathan is the Associate Director of Research and Innovation at Health and Happiness (H&H) Research within the H&H Group, a global leader in premium nutrition and wellness for all life stages. Prior to joining H&H, Jonathan was the Infant Nutrition Program Manager for Food for Health Ireland which united world class science and industry experience to improve health through innovation of food. Jonathan also served as a Research Officer at the Teagasc Food Research Centre, Moorepark, where he isolated and structurally and functionally characterised food source bioactives. He completed his PhD in Glycobiology at Teagasc through University College Dublin and has a BSc in Microbiology from University College Cork.
2. Anirikh Chakrabarti – Senior Scientist Nutrition Science, Cargill
Presentation title: Cognitive Performance, gut microbiome and role of Prebiotics
Anirikh Chakrabarti has a PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering with 10+ years of experience, across academic and industrial environments driving innovation and leading nutrition and health initiatives from conceptualization to acceleration of innovations in health science business’. He is actively involved in leading and managing R&D activities and teams for health and nutrition across animals and humans with a focus on microbiome across broad health categories, from strategy to science to policy.
3. Delphine Saulnier – Health Science Lead, Novozymes OneHealth
Presentation title: Postbiotics: consumer insights and knowledge gaps
Delphine Saulnier is a Health Science Lead in the Protective Health Venture at Novozymes OneHealth. She received her PhD in microbiology on probiotic and prebiotics in 2007 from the University of Reading (UK), before working as a Postdoc and Microarray Core Laboratory director at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston (USA). There, she gained a profound understanding of the mode of action of well-known beneficial microbes, and characterized the microbiome in different GI conditions in humans and pre-clinical models of IBS, IBD and rotavirus infection. As a Head of the Microbiome and Inflammation Start-Up lab in Potsdam (Germany), she then assessed the nutritional deficiency linked to the gut microbiome and inflammation in IBD patients. Since 2016, Delphine has been working at Novozymes at the Berlin site. In a current role as a Health Science Lead, she is driving the scientific agenda on high-profile projects central to the Novozymes OneHealth platform. She is contributing to deliver new innovative products by linking scientific advances with customers and consumer demands.
4. Andrea Bertocco – Director of Scientific Affairs, EMEA, Herbalife Nutrition
Presentation title: Are you as old as your gut says you are?
As a Director within the Scientific Affairs department, Dr Bertocco is responsible for ensuring the safety and scientific integrity of products and product-related materials for the markets in Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA), with specific responsibility for ensuring that all product claims are scientifically substantiated and meet regulatory requirements within the EU and other EMEA markets. Dr Bertocco joined the UK-based Herbalife HQ EMEA in 2007 and since then he has been involved in New Product Development (NPD), research in the field of plant proteins, pre- and probiotics, cholesterol reducing fibre and supplementation in the field of sport. Andrea obtained his first scientific qualification, a Laurea Degree in Organic Chemistry, at the University of Padua in Italy. After his degree in Padua, Andrea worked with DSM Pharma Chemicals, he then moved to Edinburgh in Scotland to pursue a PhD in Organic Chemistry.
5. Ellen Blaak – Professor, NUTRIM, School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism, Department of Human Biology, Maastricht University
Presentation title: Precision nutrition to improve blood glucose homeostasis
Prof. Ellen Blaak is Professor of Human Biology at the Department of Human Biology since 2007 and is Chair of the Department of Human Biology. Her research focuses on the role of disturbances in fatty acid metabolism and interorgan cross-talk (gut-adipose tissue-muscle metabolism) in the aetiology of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (>300 publ) as well as the impact of nutritional or lifestyle intervention to reverse these changes. Beside being professor at Maastricht University, she is project leader within the Top Institute Food and Nutrition, a public-private partnership of academia and international Food Industry, focussed on precompetitive research. She is member of the Nutrition committee of the Dutch Health Council and of several advisory board/grant evaluation committees. She obtained funding from among others the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific research/Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation/EU as a PI for 30 research projects and has supervised more than 30PhD theses.
6. Sophie VINOY – Nutrition Research Senior Expert, Mondelez Int. R&D
Presentation title: Carbohydrate and Protein intake interaction during ageing
Sophie Vinoy obtained her PhD from the French Paris University of life science in human physiology. She is the nutrition senior group leader in the global research department of Mondelēz International. She is strongly involved in the European International Life Science Institute. Her primary interest is the impact of food on postprandial metabolism linked to metabolic disease prevention involving food behaviour, low grade inflammation and microbiota modulation. Her main publications are on carbohydrate metabolism and investigated specifically the health interest of starch digestibility, as well as satiety. She is co-author of several patents related to foods and health interest
7. José M. Ordovás – Senior Scientist, Nutrition and Genomics Team; Professor, Nutrition and Genetics, Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University
Presentation title: The multiple faces of personalized precision nutrition
Dr. José Ordovás is Senior Scientist and Leader of the Nutrition and Genomics Team at the HNRCA. His research focuses on the genetic factors that predispose individuals to heart disease and obesity as well as the interaction of these genetic factors with the environment and behavioral factors. In particular, Dr. Ordovás examines the impact of diet on genetic factors. He has published well over 780 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and has written numerous reviews and books on these topics. In this regard, Dr. Ordovás is considered one of the founders of nutrigenomics. Dr. Ordovás embraces new areas of nutrigenomics related to the regulation of gene expression by microRNAs and DNA methylation and the relation between genes, chronobiology and obesity. He and his team are currently studying the APOA2 gene, diet, inflammation, and gut health, as well as populations at high risk for heart disease and the TCF7L2 gene and the dietary prevention of type 2 diabetes. He is a Professor of Nutrition and Genetics at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy and Professor at the School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences at Tufts University. Dr. Ordovás also chairs the Functional Genomics Core Scientific Advisory Committee at the same school. Throughout his career, Dr. Ordovás has received multiple honors for his scientific achievements, including the USDA Secretary’s Award, the Centrum American Nutrition Society Award, the Mary Swartz Award (presented by the Dietetic Association,) the Garry-Labbe Award (presented by the American Association for Clinical Chemistry,) and the Francisco Grande Memorial Lecture all for Excellence in Nutrition Research.