Food Allergy Task Force

Food Allergy pic

Improving the assessment and management of food allergen risks to protect people with food allergies

The Task Force aims at fostering an international evidence-based consensus on how to assess the risk from allergenic foods. Once identified the agreed method, the Task Force envisage developing tools to help manage the risks and protect all consumers.


  • The Task Force has worked on different components of risk assessment, ranging from the identification and characterisation of the allergen hazard, to the consideration of its prevalence and the level to which consumers are exposed. Moving beyond the usual tripartite model (academia, government, and industry), the Task Force involves allergic patient organisations as well as health care practitioners in many of its expert groups and has been a long – term valued partner in major European Union (EU) projects on food allergy, such as EUROPREVALL, and iFAAM.
  • The recent Task Force publication proposes a framework to help define what risk is tolerable for food allergens and provides guidance to those dealing with food allergen risk assessment and management. It is valuable not only for food industry and public authorities, but for patient organisations and allergic consumers. The guidance is being widely disseminated to all relevant stakeholders, including consumers, to increase the information flow and thus the confidence on the latest food products and labels.


  • 3rd closed workshop on Allergen Quantitative Risk Assessment (September 2021)
  • Practical guidance for industry on food allergen quantitative risk assessment (January 2022)
  • Webinar introducing practical guidance on food allergen quantitative risk assessment (Q1 2022)
  • New expert group on upper thresholds for precautionary allergen labelling (PAL) and risk communication to consumers (Q1 2022)

Expected results

The expert group on food allergen quantitative risk assessment will help harmonise the risk assessment process across food businesses. The aim is to produce practical guidance that is valuable to food business operators of all sizes when conducting allergen risk assessments.

For more detailed information, please contact Angeliki Stavropoulou at or Toula Aslanidis at